CBeebies and Me

Now before you read on please don’t think that my son sits all day watching CBeebies.  From the jigsaw puzzles, crayons, dinosaur figures and building blocks scattered around my house you can see that he quite clearly doesn’t.  In all honesty the TV is on for my benefit.   It acts as my daily planner and stop-watch so that I keep on schedule with all the mummy tasks that fill my day.   Our channel of choice is CBeebies.  I think Andy Day and Justin Fletcher are absolutely amazing.  My Hubby likes Topsy and Tim’s mum and the Swashbuckle woman for completely non-educational reasons.

Here is how CBeebies helps me stay on track in a typical day:

  1. Me Too – Wake up time.  Anything before this is still considered middle of the night.  When this comes on it feels acceptable for my eyes to be open and to be holding a conversation.
  2. Show Me Show Me – I need to be downstairs by the time they start saying “ten worms wiggling….” otherwise it will be a rush to fit in breakfast, make his lunch and get us out of the house on time.
  3. Postman Pat – Bags packed, cup of tea made (old habits die hard), breakfast served.
  4. Dinopaws – Breakfast finished, bowl washed up, tea thrown away, face cleaned, shoes on, coats on, bags in the car.
  5. Duggie – If this comes on then we are in trouble.
    1. Because he LOVES it and we will have a screaming fit if I switch it off
    2. We are late
  6. Andy’s Wild Adventures – Get dinner served before he gets passed the point of hunger and won’t touch the lovingly prepared nutritionally balanced meal I put together the night before and I am forced to resort to beans on toast.
  7. Boj – Time for him to burn off some energy before bath time.  This usually consists of throwing himself on the sofa, the floor, the cat and anything else that just happens to be nearby.
  8. Waybuloo – Time for my hubby to take him up for his bath.  Time for me to tidy away everything that has been played with that day, pour a glass of wine and start cooking dinner for the grown-ups.
  9. In the Night Garden – When it gets to the part where they do a quick recap of what has happened in that episode it is time to warm up his bedtime bottle as the bath time ritual is coming to a close.  Yes that’s right, I still watch it even though he is no longer in the room.
  10. Bedtime-story – Time for the last cuddle of the day as he snuggles in whilst having his night-time bottle.

I only come undone when CBeebies programmers sneakily swap programmes around to try and catch me out.  I tell you all of this because if you ever pop in and find me watching children’s TV with no child in sight, please don’t judge me. There is always some method to my madness!


Harry’s Honest Mummy x

(Disclaimer:  I have no idea whether the CBeebies logo I have used is copywrighted.  If it is then I am very very sorry and will happily remove it).

31 thoughts on “CBeebies and Me

  1. I think CBeebies is the best channel in the world … And we don’t get it in New Zealand! 📺

    LikeLiked by 1 person

      1. 😆 we do get some of the shows and are lucky enough to come up to the UK fairly regularly 💺

        LikeLiked by 1 person

  2. I love this, Jack is only 11 months old and already our morning routine and bedtime routine relies heavily on CBeebies, I just go on the music to know where I am and what I should be doing!! R u on Facebook as love reading your updates?


    1. I am really flattered thank you. My Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/harryshonestmummy
      I am not always reliable at posting everything on there though. Something I must get better at. I do post them all to Twitter though.
      When H was the same age as Jack I knew that when Octonauts came on he would be getting tired enough for his morning nap. Oh what I would do for a morning nap time now! :-) Thanks again x


  3. Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday. When we recently had a tornado scare, I turned on local telly to keep my eye on the weather. My daughters were shocked. “The TV works!?” Between school and work… and Netflix… our TV doesn’t get any exercise.


  4. haha when the girls were younger I used to use waybuloo as they’re bath time alarm thanks for linking up to #sundaystars


  5. hehe – we love Dr Ranj and Raa Raa in our house – the Dr’s not on air at the moment – we are all very sad (yes, all.. ahem!) x #twinklytuesdays


  6. Haha this is a genius way for scheduling the day! Though, for me, Waybuloos means time to bang my head against the wall – I HATE Waybuloos!


    1. I’m glad you like it. I always feel sorry for the children in the Waybuloo’s that have to run around in a studio after “something”. They always look a little confused haha
      Thanks for commenting x


  7. Considering you’re singing their praises and giving them some free promo, I think Cbeebies are lucky to have you use their logo ;) Great post! We tend to watch milkshake in the morning, so I have a similar thing going on -Thomas = breakfast, pepper pig = get dressed, Toby’s travelling circus = switch TV off and go out for the day! We do like a bit of in the night garden though :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Hannah, I hadn’t thought of the publicity angle you quite rightly pointed out. I would certainly be happy to pop and see Mr Tumble live…..hint hint BBC if you are reading….. 😆


  8. CBeebies is our channel of choice in our house! I have a bit of a thing for Andy and it’s extended to my son, everytime he comes on telly my son shouts “Look mummy, its Andy! We love andy!”…oops lol! We were lucky enough to meet him last summer and we were both a bit starstruck! x


    1. I so know what you mean. He grows on you doesn’t he! Imagine when you met him if your little one had said “Mummy its that man you love” :-) Thanks for commenting.


  9. Haha this is great. In our house it’s usually disney junior though and that seems a lot more random with its scheduling. My 1 year old has just got an upsy daisy toy though and loves it so I think we may have to start watching in the night garden!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kiri. It took me ages to learn the names of all the characters from In the Night Garden. How small children do is beyond me. It’s one of those programmes where you sit and wonder how the heck they ever thought it up! I like Charlie and Lola so I recommend switching as there is something for everyone. Thanks for commenting.


  10. Ha ha ha! A LOT of this sounds familiar!
    A while back, Alex was on Mastermind. If I was on Mastermind, I would definitely have CBeebies as one of my specialist subjects! Although it can be a little bit love-hate and there are some programs I just can’t tolerate, Me Too being one of them…
    x Alice

    LikeLiked by 1 person

    1. I really dislike Me Too and not just because it’s the one that means I have to get out of bed. Granny Murray needs a change of clothes (no expense spared on wardrobe obviously) and none of them can act! Thank you so much for posting :-)

      LikeLiked by 2 people

      1. Yes, those things annoy me too (no pun intended), but on top of that you have the massive lack of ambition of most of them, and the ones that do have good aspirational jobs can’t be bothered to do them properly (that teacher puts my profession to shame, seemingly doing no planning or preparation and has little or no subject knowledge…)
        I have given this far too much thought :D

        LikeLiked by 1 person

  11. One day, In The Night Garden will end.
    And parents everywhere will have nervous breakdowns.

    LikeLiked by 2 people

  12. Haha this is great! What a good way to keep on track, I may have to try it! x


    LikeLiked by 1 person

    1. That is so cute. Tell you a secret…I actually like Duggie myself and find I am humming the banjo style music long after the programme has finished :-)


  13. This is why the CBeebies people need to warn us 2 weeks’ in advance when they’re going to change bedtime hour! My little boy also loves Duggie. If you say “Duggie hug” to him he will grin, hug himself and sway from side to side :-)

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  14. Wow! That’s not a bad way to stay organised. My daughter loves CBeebies too but I only really catch In the Night Garden with her and it’s good prep for bedtime.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


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